ds. `I wish I hadnever come here, and I don't want to see no more magic,' he said and fellsilent. After a moment he spoke again thickly, as if struggling with tears.`No, I'll go home by the long road with Mr. Frodo, or not at all,' he said.`But I hope I do get back some day. If what I've seen turns out true,somebody's going to catch it hot! '
`Do you now wish to look, Frodo? ' said the Lady Galadriel. `You didnot wish to see Elf-magic and were content.'
`Do you advise me to look? ' asked Frodo.
'No,' she said. `I do not counsel you one way or the other. I am not acounsellor. You may learn something, and whether what you see be fair orevil, that may be profitable, and yet it may not. Seeing is both good andperilous. Yet I think, Frodo, that you have courage and wisdom enough forthe venture, or I would not have brought you here. Do as you will! '
`I will look,' said Frodo, and he climbed on the pedestal and bent overthe dark water. At once the Mirror cleared and he saw a twilit land.Mountains loomed dark in the distance against a pale sky. A long grey roadwound back out of sight. Far away a figure came slowly down the road, faintand small at first, but growing larger and clearer as it approached.
Suddenly Frodo realized that it reminded him of Gandalf. He almost calledaloud the wizard's name, and then he saw that the figure was clothed not ingrey but in white, in a white that shone faintly in the dusk; and in its
hand there was a white staff. The head was so bowed that he could see noface, and presently the figure turned aside round a bend in the road andwent out of the Mirror's view. Doubt came into Frodo's mind: was this avision of Gandalf on one of his many lonely journeys long ago, or was itSaruman?
The vision now changed. Brief and small but very vivid he caught aglimpse of Bilbo walking restlessly about his room. The table was litteredwith disordered papers; rain was beating on the windows.
电话17109471789,微信xyxyz010101.南京单人的去夜总会(魅力国际)★★★★★这么多年,在这个残酷的市场中,我们能生存下来,只是因为,我们是:最懂你需求的夜店ds. `I wish I hadnever come here, and I don't want to see no more magic,' he said and fellsilent. After a moment he spoke again thickly, as if struggling with tears.`No, I'll go home by the long road with Mr. Frodo, or not at all,' he said.`But I hope I do get back some day. If what I've seen turns out true,somebody's going to catch it hot! ' `Do you now wish to look, Frodo? ' said the Lady Galadriel. `You didnot wish to see Elf-magic and were content.' `Do you advise me to look? ' asked Frodo. 'No,' she said. `I do not counsel you one way or the other. I am not acounsellor. You may learn something, and whether what you see be fair orevil, that may be profitable, and yet it may not. Seeing is both good andperilous. Yet I think, Frodo, that you have courage and wisdom enough forthe venture, or I would not have brought you here. Do as you will! ' `I will look,' said Frodo, and he climbed on the pedestal and bent overthe dark water. At once the Mirror cleared and he saw a twilit land.Mountains loomed dark in the distance against a pale sky. A long grey roadwound back out of sight. Far away a figure came slowly down the road, faintand small at first, but growing larger and clearer as it approached.Suddenly Frodo realized that it reminded him of Gandalf. He almost calledaloud the wizard's name, and then he saw that the figure was clothed not ingrey but in white, in a white that shone faintly in the dusk; and in itshand there was a white staff. The head was so bowed that he could see noface, and presently the figure turned aside round a bend in the road andwent out of the Mirror's view. Doubt came into Frodo's mind: was this avision of Gandalf on one of his many lonely journeys long ago, or was itSaruman? The vision now changed. Brief and small but very vivid he caught aglimpse of Bilbo walking restlessly about his room. The table was litteredwith disordered papers; rain was beating on the windows.